Historical NAV

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KWI Money Market Fund

Fund info
Date Asset Size (Baht) NAV Change (%) Offer / Switch In Bid / Swithc Out
10/09/2024 34,567,712.57 11.9713 0.0058 11.9714 11.9713
09/09/2024 34,563,837.87 11.9706 0.0167 11.9707 11.9706
06/09/2024 35,392,634.12 11.9686 0.0050 11.9687 11.9686
05/09/2024 35,394,657.13 11.9680 0.0042 11.9681 11.9680
04/09/2024 35,394,868.54 11.9675 0.0058 11.9676 11.9675
03/09/2024 35,407,545.88 11.9668 0.0050 11.9669 11.9668
02/09/2024 35,403,708.69 11.9662 0.0176 11.9663 11.9662
30/08/2024 35,326,474.25 11.9641 0.0059 11.9642 11.9641
29/08/2024 38,434,985.96 11.9634 0.0033 11.9635 11.9634
28/08/2024 40,631,767.37 11.9630 0.0050 11.9631 11.9630
NAV (Baht/Unit)
* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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