Thailand ESG Funds (ThaiESG)


KWI Thailand ESG Fund-D

8.2115 + 0.2001
21 February 2025

Historical NAV

Date Asset Size (Baht) NAV Change (%) Offer / Switch In Bid / Swithc Out
28/12/2023 1,258,064.52 10.0864 0.5352 10.0865 10.0864
27/12/2023 1,113,360.97 10.0327 -0.0926 10.0328 10.0327
26/12/2023 1,100,901.70 10.0420 0.0977 10.0421 10.0420
25/12/2023 1,007,802.32 10.0322 -0.0757 10.0323 10.0322
22/12/2023 796,560.84 10.0398 0.2406 10.0399 10.0398
21/12/2023 794,630.87 10.0157 -0.2440 10.0158 10.0157
20/12/2023 784,574.31 10.0402 0.5297 10.0403 10.0402
19/12/2023 678,436.08 9.9873 -0.2028 9.9874 9.9873
18/12/2023 679,788.23 10.0076 -0.1417 10.0077 10.0076
15/12/2023 555,246.48 10.0218 0.3575 10.0219 10.0218
NAV (Baht/Unit)
* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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