Foreign Investment Funds (FIF)


KWI Asia Pacific Property REIT Fund-R

8.9477 -0.7300
27 March 2025


27 March 2025
Fund Name Date YTD 3M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Since Inception
KWI APREIT-R 27/03/2025 4.16 4.48 -6.79 -1.82 -8.12 -0.97 -1.44
Benchmark 3 5.61 5.04 -4.32 0.64 -4.59 2.12 1.56
Standard Deviation Fund 0.60 0.60 0.66 12.67 14.38 14.81 14.65
Standard Deviation Benchmark 0.57 0.56 0.62 10.67 11.66 12.59 12.83

Benchmark 3 : S&P Pan Asia Ex-Japan, AU, NZ REIT Index is converted into Thai Baht-denominated on the date calculating returns of the Fund.

The periods of 1 year and above are annualized. 
The fund performance is prepared in accordance with AIMC standards.

Calendar Year Return

Performance (%)
* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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