Equity Funds


KWI Thai Trigger Fund 6M1

7.2510 + 0.2073
21 February 2025

Fund Feature

Fund type

Mixed Fund/ Trigger Fund

  • Risk Level
    Moderate to High Risk: 6
  • Registered Capital Size
    Baht 1,000 million
  • Inception Date
    10 April 2023
  • Fund Maturity
    Indefinite except for entering the trigger conditions*
  • Offer / Switch In
  • Bid / Swithc Out
  • Asset Size

*The Management Company shall process the auto-redemption for unitholders in case that

Case 1 The fund’s NAV meets the target NAV either one of the following conditions, based on the Management Company’s discretion, within the 6-month period from the fund’s registration date.
1) the fund's NAV reaches the target NAV of THB 10.72 per unit or above for 3 consecutive days and the fund has sufficient cash or liquid instruments for the auto-redemption of investment units to unitholders with the auto-redemption price (net of Back-end fee) no less than THB 10.60 per unit; or 
2) on any business day, the fund has the entire or partial portfolio in form of cash or liquid securities which can be proceeded for the auto-redemption of investment units to unitholders with the auto-redemption price no less than THB 10.60 per unit.  

Case 2 In case of not entering the trigger conditions during the 6-month period from the fund’s registration date, the fund will be opened for daily dealing transaction until the fund meets the trigger conditions 1) or 2) as mentioned above.

The Management Company reserves the right to process the auto-redemption of investment units to unitholders within 5 trading days since the date of trigger conditions is met.  

Investment policy

The Fund shall invest 0-100% in equity, debt instruments, hybrid instruments, investment units of Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF), Collective Investment Scheme (CIS), Property Fund, Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs), Infrastructure Fund (IFF), deposits and/or cash equivalents and/or other securities or assets as imposed by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The investment proportion will be adjusted at the fund manager’s discretion and as appropriate for each situation from time to time.

The Fund may invest in derivative instruments for hedging purpose.

The Fund may invest in non-investment grade, unrated securities and/or unlisted securities in compliance with SEC’s rules and regulations or approval.

Dividend policy


* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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