Thailand ESG Funds (ThaiESG)


KWI Thailand ESG Fund-D

7.7241 -2.0331
31 March 2025



An open-ended equity fund / Thailand ESG Fund

  • 风险等级
    Moderate to High Risk: 6
  • 注册资本规模
    Baht 1,000 million
  • 起始日期
    13 December 2023
  • 基金存续期
  • 卖出价/转入价
  • 买入价/转出价
  • 资产规模

The Fund shall invest on average no less than 80% of its NAV in an accounting year in stocks listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Market for Alternative Investment (mai) that have been selected by the SET as outstanding in terms of environmental and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) consideration and have passed the process of ESG integration investment analysis.

For the remaining portion of investment funds, the Fund may invest in stocks other than those mentioned above, hybrid instruments, fixed income instruments, deposits and/or investment units of mutual funds as well as other securities or assets as permitted by the SEC Office.  Furthermore, the Fund may invest in investment tokens issued under the Royal Decree on the Digital Asset Businesses, namely, green-project tokens, sustainability-project tokens or sustainability-linked tokens.  In this regard, the regulations pertaining to characteristics of the digital tokens shall be in accordance with the notifications of the SEC Office with approval of the Capital Market Supervisory Board.  (Investors can study additional details in the Fund’s Facts Section of the Prospectus.) 

The Fund may invest in other funds under management of the Management Company (cross investing funds) on average no less than 20% of its NAV in an accounting year.


Dividend Class (KWI ThaiESG-D):
The Management Company shall consider paying dividends to unitholders no more than once a year if the fund has retained earnings. The dividend payment must not increase the fund's retained loss in the
corresponding accounting period and can be paid by considering one of the following criteria:
(1) Payment from the dividends or interest received from the underlying assets of the fund.
(2) Payment not exceeding 30 percent of retained earnings or net profit in that accounting period, whichever is lower.
In this regard, the Management Company will not pay dividends by issuing investment units, either in whole or in part, to unitholders and will comply with the rules and regulations as prescribed by the SEC and as deemed appropriate by the Management Company.

* 投资有风险。在做出投资决策前,投资者应仔细研究产品的特点、条款和条件、业绩和风险因素。既往业绩/与资本市场产品之间的业绩比较并不表明未来的业绩如何。如果投资于存在离岸投资敞口但无货币风险充分对冲的基金,投资者可能经历货币损益,或者投资回报小于初始投资。

